Betekenis van:
adult male


  1. From male adult bovine animals [10]
  2. CERTIFICATE for beef from adult male bovine animals No …
  3. from unseparated or separated forequarters of adult male bovine animals, straight cut or «Pistola» cut [11]
  4. for boned meat from the forequarters of adult male cattle No
  5. from unseparated or separated forequarters of adult male bovine animals, straight cut or “Pistola” cut [11]
  6. Carcasses and half-carcasses:– ed forequarters of adult male bovine animals, straight cut or “Pistola” cut [11]
  7. ‘The undersigned hereby declares that the meat described hereon comes from the forequarters of adult male cattle.’,
  8. The refunds on all frozen cuts should be in line with those on fresh or chilled cuts other than those from adult male bovine animals.
  9. The refunds on all frozen cuts should be brought into line with those on fresh or chilled cuts other than those from adult male bovine animals.
  10. Such groups can be achieved, although it is difficult, when housing male mice, adult hamsters or gerbils, as this can result in severe conspecific aggression.
  11. from the hindquarters of adult male bovine animals with a maximum of eight ribs or eight pairs of ribs, straight cut or ‘Pistola’ cut [11]
  12. laying down the conditions for granting the special export refund on boned meat of adult male bovine animals placed under the customs warehousing procedure prior to export
  13. During the period of suspension, the operator is not authorised to place boned meat of adult male bovine animals in a customs warehouse under this Regulation.
  14. from the hindquarters of adult male bovine animals with a maximum of eight ribs or eight pairs of ribs, straight cut or “Pistola” cut [11]
  15. Boned meat of adult male bovine animals for which a declaration of entry into storage is accepted shall be subject to a physical check relating to a representative selection of at least 5 % of accepted declarations of entry into storage.